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프랑켄슈타인 연대기 읽기 - Might we not defy God's laws... in order to be reunited with those we love!

산 그늘이 되는 나무 2020. 4. 1. 00:50

The Frankenstein Chronicles, 시즌 1 Ep. 3, 영국 iTV 드라마, 2017



Mrs. Shelley (narration in the novel, Frankenstein)

                Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil,

                     as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave? 

                I collected bones from charnel-houses,

                     and disturbed, with profane fingers,

                     the tremendous secrets of the human frame.



Mr. Marlott: (in the novel, Frankenstein, ) The stitching together of corpses?

Mrs. Shelley : Quite an unusal notion, isn't it?

                 You might call it a....parody of the Resurrection.



Mr. Marlott: The title, Why Prometheus (as a second title of the novel Frankenstein)?

Mrs. Shelley : He stole fire frim the gods and moulded human flesh from clay, 

                  Like my Victor (Frankenstein). A symbol of rebellion.

Mr. Marlott: For you and Blake both?

Mrs. Shelley : For all of us...

                   who oppose tyranny and oppression.


Mr. Marlott : Tyranny and oppression?

                 Or the laws of God?


Mrs. Shelley : What would he (God) not do to defeat death, Mr. Marlott?

                  Might we not defy God's laws...

                      in order to be reunited with those we love?